Monthly Archives: March 2013

the written word keeps printing


Loserdom *23
I love reading Loseredom, its like having a chat with Anto. Each zine gives you and update on his life, the music he’s listening to and the travels he has been up to. Himself and Eugene have offered up a personal touch since their first offering in 1996. This issue is no different. There’s a feature on the history of Cork Fanzines with some great interviews. Part of the appeal for me is that the writing captures the feeling. Reading about Nay, Nay’n Thirice Nay, or Protest, or Sunny Days, or Choc-a-Bloc and it seems like you have these zines in your hands. It’s not just Irish scene documentation though, there’s a great interview with anti-war activist Ed Horgan as he talks about rendition flights in Shannon airport or a great tale of cycling through Andalucia.

Contact loserdomzine at for more info on how to part with your 3 euro


Also 3 Euro is a completely different read but not less worthy Riot 77
Nowehere near as personal as Loserdom BUT always full of great interviews the new Riot 77 is no less disappointing than other great efforts. The conversations Cian has with interviewees provide great insight. This issue has TSOL, New Bomb Turks, Radiators and The Dictators reps discussing their background and history. There’s a great interview with the 2 lads behind Dublins punk rock bar, the Thomas House. Reading Riot77 is like getting a history lesson. If you’ve any interest in the world of punk rock I recommend you check this out

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